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ดั ม มี่ ได้ เงิน จริง "I beg your pardon, Captain Flanger; but do I understand that you intend, single-handed and alone, to capture the Bronx?" asked the commander, with a smile of incredulity on his face. 310 "Not much, captain, for in our business we did not have anything to do with forts and such things," chuckled Mike. "The old quarters of the mechanics and laborers used to be on the Gulf shore, but they moved them up north of the fort, on the Grand Pass. About a mile east of the fort there is a big plantation." Mr. Flint reported that she had been captured without any resistance on the part of the crew. There was no incident worth relating in connection with the capture, though she was full of cotton, and brought over seventy thousand dollars when the vessel and cargo were sold. The two cutters were brought alongside, and hoisted up to the davits. "Here are my papers, captain," added Corny, as he passed his envelope across the table to the commander. "Don't hab no healf, massa," replied Job, gazing earnestly at the intruder upon his slumbers. "I think I do, captain, and I submit to your authority as the commander of the ship," answered Christy, with a dignified bow.