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"Of course you cannot expect me to betray the confidence of the commodore; that would not be kind or friendly on your part, Captain Flanger, for you can see that this is a delicate matter," said Christy, halting in front of the table.
โหลด โจ๊ก เกอร์ 69 "I should not have rung that bell if I had not been afraid of taking cold," added the son. "I did not, captain," replied Christy quietly, though he was amused rather than disquieted by the earnestness of the commander. He was carried to his stateroom by his officers, and the doctor examined his last wound. He was 359 restored to consciousness, but he looked like death itself beneath the ruddy brown of his weather-beaten face. "Look up the log slate, for I suppose they have made the entries, and when we have run eighty knots from the station, keep a sharp lookout for the land. Now I will go to my cabin, and find the 174 envelope that contains the orders, and look them over." The surgeon went below, leaving the commander and Christy together.