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"Hardly, doctor; I looked up the subject for my own benefit. I simply mean to say that I do not consider my cousin a liar," replied Christy, who was an earnest debater when he became warm in his subject.
ลิ้ ง ufabet "But I wished to see you in regard to the prisoners," interposed Mr. Flint. "We have four of them here made fast to the rail, and Galvinne complains of his treatment; he says he is cold." "The telltale is honest, and tells no lies," replied Christy. "Florry was very well the last time I saw her, not more than two weeks ago, and she talked a great deal about you, Paul," answered her brother, partly in a whisper. The End The oaths and epithets he used need not soil our page; but the prisoner seemed to be suffering more from his wrath than from his wound.