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"By taking the bull by the horns in good season, I am confident we can prevent this mischief."
wow slot 123 "You have been under this berth since the steamer left the flag-ship!" exclaimed Corny, apparently amazed at the fact. He put the formidable weapon back into the 291 drawer from which he had taken it; but the lesson of the evening had made a strong impression on his mind. Though he had permitted Captain Flanger to believe that he was not at all disturbed by his presence in his cabin, and had kept up the humor with which the intruder had introduced himself, yet he had felt a sense of humiliation through the whole of the scene. It was a new thing to be confronted by an enemy in his own cabin; and the privateersman, armed with two heavy revolvers, had all the advantage, while neither he nor the steward had a weapon of any kind. "Yes, sar; I knows it like my own name, but I can't spoke it if I die for't," answered Job, laughing. 195 "I think some of us need a little sleep to-night," said the commander. 203 The captain went on the bridge; but he could not see the light. He descended to the deck, and then mounted the fore-rigging. The lookout saw him, and said he could not see the light any longer; it had been in sight a couple of minutes, and then had disappeared. It was useless to look for it if gone, and Christy returned to the bridge, where Mr. Pennant was attentively studying the compass.