"A prisoner of war!" exclaimed the steward. "The commander of the ship a prisoner!"
ไพ่สี่ใบ "I do not ask for it, though of course I am anxious to have the truth come out, for just now I am in disgrace as an impostor, to say nothing of being regarded as an enemy of the union," replied Christy. "He who occupies a stateroom in the steamer is my own cousin, and the pleasantest relations have always subsisted between our families. I have nothing against him personally, and I would do him a kindness as readily as ever before in my life." "Mr. Sampson directs me to report that he is ready to proceed," said a messenger from the chief engineer. "Only the women and the old hands, too old to do much work." "And you were as stupid as an Alabama mule when you snapped at me for doing so in the presence of some of the sailors," replied Corny, with considerable spirit; and Christy, who heard all that was said, was glad to have him maintain the dignity of the family in his new situation.