ข่าว ฟุตบอล ต่าง ประเทศ วัน นี้ ล่าสุด
ข่าว ฟุตบอล ต่าง ประเทศ วัน นี้ ล่าสุด
"I should think he might be, for the night air is very chilly," replied Christy. "I should have preferred to get rid of these men before we went 182 into any enterprise, for they are dangerous persons to us."
วิเคราะห์ บอล อู รา วะ เร ด ได มอน ส์ วัน นี้ CHAPTER XXIV A CRITICAL SITUATION IN THE CABIN 42 "I never heard of the place before, sir," persisted the seaman. "You were very considerate," answered Christy, looking at the steward, who had stationed himself behind the unwelcome guest. His son Cornelius followed the lead of his father, and was faithful to the teachings given him in his southern home. He had enlisted as a soldier; but when it was found that he could be more serviceable 72 to the Confederacy in certain irregular enterprizes, he was detached for this service. He had been engaged in an attempt to capture the Bellevite in connection with older and more skilful persons. The plan had failed, Corny had been severely wounded, and while on parole had lived at Bonnydale. From there he had been sent to a military prison, and had been exchanged. From that time, Christy knew nothing about him until he met him on board of the Vernon. "Of course I expected that would be your decision," replied Corny, as he took the papers 91 which the captain returned to him, including his commission and report. Captain Flanger was a man of stalwart proportions, and Christy realized that he was no match for him in a hand to hand encounter, even with the aid of the steward, for the ruffian would not fail to use his revolvers. "Boat, ahoy!" shouted a man on the forecastle of the sloop.