เดิมพัน 8888 But Job was very obliging, and he made a hissing sound, followed by an effort to sneeze which was a failure. Then he hissed some more, though the loss of his front teeth interfered with the effort. Then he said "fing." "He stole that officer's commission and other papers while he was sleeping in his own home," added Christy. "There are no officers here that I can give you in their places, and I am obliged to order you away immediately on another expedition. The Floridian is a valuable prize; and I must send her to New York, for I am confident the government will purchase her for the navy. Your acting lieutenants must continue to serve as such for the present." "What are you about?" demanded the prisoner, attempting to shake off his captor when he felt the cold iron. "But why were they brought off if the steamer is still in the bay?" "The first cutter of the United States steamer Bronx! Heave to, and give an account of yourselves," hailed the officer in command. "Stand by to lay on your oars!" he added in a lower tone to his crew. "Oars!" "Hold the sloop as she is, and I will board you," said Mr. Pennant, as he saw the skipper filling away again.